Hi all as i have been doing a lot of research on how to curb the family's spending budget i thought i would mention this. As my entire family are movie nuts we spend quite a bit of money on movies. So as this was the case that was one of many ways i found we could save money. When seeing the movies we want at the stores, we price them now. It used to be when we found what we wanted at the store we bought it. Well here is a great example Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1! We have been watching for this to come out as all 3 of my pre-teen children are Harry Potter fans(so am i..lol). Now at walmart for example we found it for $21.00 or so. I got home from the store without buying it, although i had to promise to find it online.Well low and behold here it it at Amazon.com for $13.99! Now i listed this movie for example, however there are usually hundreds to choose from. With a little research and time typically you can find almost any movie at around 25-35% off just by searching amazon or online movie outlets.In this economy saving money has become a requirement. As this is just 1 of many ways to help cut cost on entertainment that we have started doing, i thought i would post it here. My family in the last few months has saved around $250 off of our entertainment spending witch has helped.As a rule of thumb we typically buy movies as well instead of going out to theaters. For the cost of going to the theater one time a month we can typically buy 3 movies that we own forever. Especially if we buy them online.Please all feel free to post here any money saving tips you might have, or ways of going green.
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